Friday, October 16, 2009

Why don't I meet you at the gym and we'll go out for coffee?
How bromantic? 

This morning I found Chris nasalscaping
"Aw jeez Chris, you don't have to bother doing that for m...",

"it's not for you (very bad words)!". 

Then it was off for a workout which the staff was kind enough to let me shoot...
and then it was off to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee before Lunch.

Today I'm going to just let the pictures do the talking....

                                it's awesome isn't it?



Unknown said...

Oh wow!!!!!!! Those pictures are truly amazing! Way to go Chris!!! Donn you are such a wonderful friend to him. Thank you so much for everything you've done and are doing to keep the rest of the world up on Chris and what's going on.

Big hugs to both of you.

The Mistress said...

I can't wait 'til he's blogging again and can seek revenge on you for the nasalscaping photo.


eroswings said...

You look great, WW! Fantastic fotos!

Thanks, Donn!

andrea said...

WOW! Awesome indeed.

dmmgmfm said...

You really look awesome, Chris. Thanks so much for posting these, Donn.

dinahmow said...

Still the clowns. Will you two ever grow up? (Hope not!)

Ms Smack said...

heaps of love from Australia Chris.

I've been watching your journey through your mate here, and well, I'm rapt for you. Completely stoked.

Keep on keepin' on.

You look fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Out Bloody-standing Chis...keep on keeping on mate... I am barracking for you from Down Under... ok, yeah, I am working night shift right now so I am silently barracking whilst my patients sleep :)


anna said...

Wow! He's made so much progress! I had no idea he was doing this well on the physical front. This is fantastic and so encouraging!

Thank you for this wonderful update!

Debra said...


MarmiteToasty said...

WOW BLOODY WOW....... who would of thought this possible just a few short months ago......

can you see my HUGE BEAMING SMILE.......

Melody says Hi Chris...... looking dapper :)


Anonymous said...

HA - amour-propre creeps back - a veryvery good sign!

AngelConradie said...


savannah said...

*waving back* hey, sugar! lookin damn fine there, chris! ;~D xoxox

(yeah and you, too, donn!)

Keshi said...

yayy to Chris' good health!


Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

He looks wonderful! How excited he must be and his family, hell everyone. I am so thrilled that he is going so well. My apologies for being away. I have had some personal things to attend to.

Kudos Chris you big beautiful man! You are looking mighty fine!

soft love,

TiG said...

Totally fucking awesome, Chris! You're looking pretty HAWT there, too. No joke!

=) keep up the great work!


awaiting said...

HI Chris! Thinking of you and missing you like crazy! So proud and happy for you!

And yes, you look absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Chris! You are indeed looking very handsome and I'm thrilled to see what great progress you're making -- keep up the good work!

Many hugs,

Annie Van Bergen said...

Walkin', yes indeed!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Those pictures make me feel so happy, as Chris is clearly making some fantastic progress here.
