Sunday, October 25, 2009


Chris went to see his new apartment while a review of the necessities and alterations were discussed with staff and family members.

Chris had been tentatively scheduled to be released in a few days but he wisely decided to stay and work on his physio for a few more weeks.

His physical progress is remarkable and he understands that the more he is able to manage his day-to-day activities with his walker the better off he'll be.

I'm not certain if a release date is etched in stone but Chris seems to be fine with the idea of bolstering his mobility capabilities before he goes home.

The good news is that he'll be home for CHRISmas.


dmmgmfm said...

Tell Chris I have penguin jammies too, only my are purple. I call them my pretty pink and purple penguin pajama pants. Is that enough p's for you?

Give Chris a big hug for me and tell him how happy I am that he'll be home for Christmas!

The Mistress said...

Let's paint racing stripes on it!

Anonymous said...

What great news! Keep going are doing so well.

I adore the PJs too!


tuti said...

glad chris is doing good.
i'll go buy me some penquin pjs too.

AngelConradie said...

And what a Christmas thats going to be!!
And slow down on the pudding dude, seriously.

Debra said...

Great news!

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

It is wonderful. He keeps looking better and better. His face glows and his eyes show a happiness that for a while had been missing. I am pleased as punch that he is doing so well.

Chris you are a brilliant man, add your beautiful mind and heart and you could not be much more perfect. I simply love seeing your smiling face. Keep working hard and getting healthy and always remember how loved you are.

Soft love,

anna said...

Like the previous commenter I also noticed something in his eyes, especially in these last photos. It's wonderful to see.

Anonymous said...

Determination, that's what his eyes have.

eroswings said...

Thanks for the update, Donn! They are very much welcomed and appreciated!

WW, you look great! I'm so happy to hear how well you're doing. I'm very grateful that you're still with us. You amaze me!

Annie Van Bergen said...

There is a very definite brightness in the eyes.

Anonymous said...

Good news! Well done, Chris.