Friday, June 26, 2009

This ordeal is fast approaching week 6 so Good News needs to travel fast.
Here is an update from a sibling;

Yesterday one of the physiotherapists told Chris's Mom that
"Chris will be able to walk at some point!"

The Physio is not sure when or how (and Chris may need a cane) but he will walk.
Chris is also getting some increased sensation and movement in his arm.

The Speech Therapist said that Chris's swallowing mechanism is perfect.

Chris is now eating solid foods. She said that "his speech is improving hugely" and has started some speech therapy with him.

Chris will be in the hospital at least another 5 days, he has 4 days of antibiotics left, and then hopefully he can move on to the rehab centre and get a fresh start on his recovery.

Make a wish, cross your fingers, light a candle, petition the favour of the personal deity of your choice, do whatever it is that you do, but, let's get Chris out of the hospital.


Zig said...

I'm wishing, crossing everything, lighting the the house, petitioning Odin, and casting a spell . . .

has it worked yet?

Stace said...

That's absolutely wonderful news! Thanks for the update :)

gautami tripathy said...

Although I don't say it, I am keeping tabs here via you.

This is a positive piece of news and I wish him all the luck in the world.

Gaby said...

Sounds like it'll just be a matter of time before he's ready to leg wrestle you Donn. Great to hear that there continues to be progress, please give Chris my best and I know we all say this but great work on the updates...thanks again D.

anna said...

This is fantastic news! He MUST be feeling better about things... right? A little less frustrated maybe? A little more hopeful?

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

Wow, what wonderful news to read first thing in the morn! Course, I don't think any of us doubted he would get to this point and even farther. I will add a new candle in my window for this new blessing.

Soft love,

dmmgmfm said...

Great news indeed! Thanks for sharing!

andrea said...


Annie Van Bergen said...

what amazing strength...

Sienna said...

....and we will light a bonfire!

Big enough for Canada to see, really encouraging news, next chapter is about to begin...Chris can do this.

You can hear and feel the strength and determination thousands of miles away, he will relearn to channel and focus all this...there will be more ups and downs. Such encouraging news on his affected side, excellent on swallowing and speech. He is already healing and getting good response.

Know that we say prayers for all of you, having been through this ourselves...know we send lots of love and encouragement too.

He is such a fighter Donn. Chris is such the fighter, look what he has achieved in only 6 weeks,more to come.
It'll be hard work though, and frustrating at times, hey we can hard, we CAN do hard.

Annie Van Bergen said...

what amazing strength

joyce said...

I like good news.

AngelConradie said...

Yes! Let Chris go home!

Leni Qinan said...

It's great to see that smile!