Monday, August 24, 2009

Chris was in high spirits tonight.

photo from Gerry

I was there along with a sister & brother in law and we had an awesome visit. I haven't heard Chris laugh like that for some time...he had to tell us to keep it down a few times out of concern for his roomies.

I noticed that Chris was able to pull a few names out of the blue as we discussed a myriad of topics. It's both interesting and encouraging to see how his memory is mending. I noticed that he doesn't seem surprised when he recalls details either.

He commented on how strenuous his therapy has been and how much he enjoys his therapists. I'm writing this down because I don't want to lose the elation that I felt at seeing him laugh and forget about his predicament for a while.

He answered a few calls while we were there. I would like to encourage you to phone and just give Chris a quick hello if you have time.
I'm certain that Chris would love to hear from you even for a few minutes..just a little call about what you've been up to would make his day and keep those synaptic channels popping :).

It was great to hear Chris laugh and he had no problemo telling us when it was time to get settled in. I hope that he has "sweet dreams" and remembers how much fun we all had tonight.


Stace said...

Would he be adversely surprised/shocked to get a call from Australia?

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

How wonderful!But I am not shocked at this news, hes such strength within in.. Keep it up love...

soft love,

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

of course I meant within him not in... ugh...

eroswings said...

That is great news! Laughter really is good for the soul. I say everyday he is here with us is another day we get to enjoy his company and to let him know that he is such a wonderful person. He is really lucky and blessed to have you and his family, Donn. And we are so lucky and blessed to still have WW with us.

Take Care, WW!

Leni Qinan said...

I bet he has never received a phone call from the South Sandwich Islands, hahaha. ;)

It's great to read he's laughing again and you all had fun!

Anonymous said...

What a pleasure to read this one! More of the same, please.

Love to the tough guy and you.

AngelConradie said...

Dude... that makes my heart glad!

reysputin said...

say hi to him from us. it's been a long time, but who knows? great to read about his continued progress and fantastic attitude.

dmmgmfm said...

So happy to hear that Chris is doing well. I will give him a call tonight.

Big hugs to all of you,

Sienna said...

Progessing, it lifts everyone's spirits too.
I would love to send him a photo of something...
The rehab sounds intense but good intense..doing it's job.
Will find something for him. To email u thru. So he will smile.

dmmgmfm said...

Do you think it would be alright to send him a card or two? I found some cute ones I thought he'd get a kick out of.

If so, would you please send me his mailing address.


Unknown said...

Donn, I'm so glad he's got you in his life. Give him a hug from me.

Zig said...

luvly jubly - as some people say :)


Annie Van Bergen said...

ditto to what zlggl said...sounds like another milestone
I would like to send him a card too

MarmiteToasty said...

((((Chris D0nn))) one laff at a time........ wish you could see the huge smile on my face and hear the whispers in my heart......


Anonymous said...

Hey, it's going on, step by step. You'll see, he'll be able to go home to the end of the year.

tuti said...

chris looks good. :)

joyce said...

yay, progress!

Anonymous said...

Its great to hear that Chris is doing so well......fantastic news.

Laura from the U.K